Born Global, Internationalization, Rock and Roll.Abstract
Objective: The objective of the paper was to analyze the phenomenon of internationalization of rock and roll bands from the theoretical perspective of Born Global companies (BGs). Methodology: Exploratory research with a qualitative approach. 17 semi-structured interviews were conducted at rock festivals, studios, with bands, solo artists and producers. Results: The results showed evidence of 4 new strategic competences in addition to those already existing in the literature, thus complementing the conceptual model of internationalization of rock and roll bands. Limitations of the research: Lack of specific rock and roll literature. The second limitation is linked to the sample, considering the increase in the number of respondents for future research. Practical implications: The paper shows the strategic paths via competences so that rock and roll bands can accumulate new knowledge and outline plans to articulate their scarce and intangible resources in an entrepreneurial way, visualizing their internationalization process. Social implications: The social contribution of this study extends to analyzing the phenomenon of internationalization of bands from an entrepreneurial and knowledge-developing perspective for the generation of competences due to the need to allocate limited resources. Theoretical implications: The bands have strategic competencies for internationalization linked to programming skills in software and digital platforms, experiences in different languages and multicultural creativity for product development, supporting new paths for research on BGs Originality: The study presents the amalgamation of references between the studies of BGs and Internationalization of rock bands on the theoretical perspective of strategic competences, providing new research paths for the International Business literature.References
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