Digital Influencers, Branding, Social Networks, Influence MarketingAbstract
Purpose: To map and evaluate the field of study of Digital Influencers and Branding, to provide an overview of the research that brings together the two themes and to propose future research agendas based on the gaps evidenced at the end of the analyses.
Design/methodology/approach: Bibliometric review, using the Web of Science database, in a period of publications from 1945 to 2019. Systematic review using thematic analysis.
Results: It was possible to map the main indexed keywords, the main research and publication poles, cluster the main references on the searched terms, as well as organize the dispersed knowledge in a systematic way and identify research opportunities based on the accumulated knowledge.
Theoretical implications: This systematic review theoretically contributes by delivering systematic evidence for the global development of the chosen theme; by establishing research trends obtained by combining bibliometric and systematic analysis; by identifying research gaps and proposing future research.
Originality: The work has its originality for being the pioneer, to the best of our knowledge, to carry out a bibliomerical review and systematically analyze articles that deal with branding strategies and digital influencers, a field that has been acquiring market and advertising relevance, driven by the expansion of networks. and their role in people's purchase decision making.
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