Creative Industry, Fashion professionals, Footwear IndustryAbstract
Objective: Analyze the creative process, during the process of developing fashion articles, in the perception of professionals who work in companies in the leather-footwear sector, located in the region of Vale dos Sinos.
Methodology: We opted for the qualitative approach and strategy of field research, considering its exploratory character. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, being analyzed using textual discourse analysis.
Results: It was found that the creative process consists of stages of desire and intrinsic motivation, preparation, manipulation, generation, verification and validation of ideas. However, many external elements, such as the pressure to reduce the lead-time to create and the responsibilities for sales success and cost reduction, are part of the whole that comprises the complex phenomenon of creativity in the organizational sphere.
Theoretical implications: The results contribute to a better understanding and a new way of looking at organizational management studies, regarding promoting adjustments in creativity management models.
Originality: There is a need to apply creativity throughout the stages of the production process when referring to the fashion industry, which contradicts the fashion structures that often see the creative process alongside the production process. Therefore, it becomes opportune to contribute to an investigation that seeks to understand creativity as a complex phenomenon in companies in the segment of the creative fashion industry, more specifically in the organizational environments of the footwear sector, in the Vale dos Sinos region.
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