Comparative Analysis. QCA. Implementation. Public Policy. Interorganizational coordination.Abstract
Objective: This article aimed to describe and explore the applicability and adequacy of the MultiValue Qualitative Comparative Analysis (mvQCA) method to research aspects of public policy implementation, more specifically in the description of a typology of interorganizational coordination in the implementation of federal public programs, with a focus on production knowledge about comparative methods that can deal with typical challenges of social science research, such as the causal complexity and the diversity of variables involved in the analysis of public policies. Methodology: It involves a qualitative strategy of the content analysis type via a case study in which the mvQCA was applied. The case studied deals with the description of a typology of interorganizational coordination in implementing federal public programs. Results: This analysis indicates the adequacy of the method to public policy studies, especially in multiple variable contexts and in methodological designs that integrate supporting methods. Practical implications and originality factor: the analysis undertaken here demonstrates the potential of the mvQCA method to enable the use of complex analytical structures and the construction of empirical typologies in research on the implementation of public policies.References
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