Affective Organizational Commitment, Intention to Leave Organization, Technology based companiesAbstract
Objective. To identify the relation between affective organizational commitment and intention to leave the organization of professionals from technology based organizations.
Design/method/perspective. Transversal survey with correlational reach. The Affective organizational commitment scale and Turnover intention scale were used. Dada were analyzed through Spearman rank correlation and Kruskal Wallis test.
Results. The sample was composed of 440 professionals from private Information Technology (IT) organizations located at the Santa Catarina State. Results show a high negative correlation between the intention to leave voluntarily the organization and the affective commitment to the organization (-0,748, p<0,000).
Limitations/research implications. The study analyzed only one of the three determinants of the intention to leave the organization, according to the theory of planned behavior. The non-probabilistic sample could not adequately represent the population of interest.
Practical implications. People management and socialization practices that favor the professional bond to the technology organization are important to minimize the professionals´ intention to voluntarily leave the organization. Professionals choose the organization they work for also due to the pride and interest they have to the organization. They also consider how much contentment, enthusiasm and excitement they nourish toward the organization.
Originality/value. The study focuses on professionals from technology organizations and analyzes a specific affective organizational commitment consequent: the intention to leave the organization, using the model of the theory of planned behavior.
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