Management Models, Participatory Management, Management by Results, Decision MakingAbstract
Dilemma: The case focuses on the dilemma of the children’s footwear and clothing manufacturer Baby Gut related to changes in the company’s management, as it is passed from father to son. But with the passing on of responsibility, a conflict emerges within the organization regarding the position and management model to be adopted by the new manager.
Educational objective: The case aims to promote reflection on the characteristics of participatory management models and results-based management, giving the participants concepts of the practice of these models.
Contextualization: The case presents the character Geraldo, former manager of the company and father of Lucas, successor to the position of manager. The father maintained a centralized management that shifted the control of decision-making to a purely strategic level. Lucas, when faced with the challenge of managing the company, must decide whether to follow the management model practiced by his father (which, it should be said, has had positive results so far), or follow a different path, one that he believes will contribute to solving some longstanding problems as well as some current and future ones.
Main theme: The case contributes to the business dilemma of whether to choose a participatory management model or management by results, and important structure for the company's growth.
Target Audience: The case can be applied to undergraduate and graduate courses in administration and management, especially in disciplines involving business management, entrepreneurship, and organizational strategies.
Originality/value: The case encourages reflection on theories of centralized management models -- participatory or by results – providing a basis on the subject for decision making.
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