Public Procurement, Innovation, Problem analysis, Problem framingAbstract
Dilemma: What concepts, approaches, and techniques could be used to formulate a strategy for state public servants to minimize legal risks in the execution of public procurement of innovation?
Educational objective: Discuss issues of public procurement of innovation. The objectives in the teaching notes are to understand a) the legal implications and managerial challenges associated with the public procurement of innovation, b) the importance of the problem analysis stage in the innovation process, c) user centrality and the non-linear/iterative nature of the innovation process, and d) the tools required for problem analysis and framing.
Contextualization: This teaching case will explore the managerial implications of the legislation on the hiring of innovation solutions, enacted by the Brazilian State of Santa Catarina State (Decree 842/2020). As this new legal instrument shifts the logic of public procurement from specifying the contract object to describing the problem that prompts an unknown solution, it requires skills that public servants may not currently possess.
Main topic: Public procurement of innovation.
Target Audience: This teaching case can be applied in undergraduate and graduate programs in Administration, Public Administration, and Public Management. It is particularly relevant in courses such as Innovation Management, Public Sector Innovation, Public Procurement, Bidding, and Contracts.
Originality / value: This topic is crucial given the numerous managerial challenges faced by public administrators at both national and international levels. Considering its novelty, there are few existing works in the literature. The value of this study extends beyond public management, benefiting entrepreneurs who perceive the state’s purchasing power as a pathway to numerous business opportunities.
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