Dark side, Relationship Marketing, Public Sector, Contract ManagementAbstract
Objective: This study aims to analyze the perception of managers and supervisors of public contracts in the Greater Florianópolis region about the relationship with long-term service providers, considering the dark side approach of relationship marketing.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The research has an exploratory nature and a cross-sectional qualitative approach, and uses semi-structured in-depth interviews as a data collection technique. Nine public managers who work with the management and supervision of long-term service provision contracts were interviewed. The analysis was performed in an interpretative manner, using data coding.
Results: The main findings show behaviors characterized as the dark side of relationship marketing between long-term service providers and the public sector. Among the behaviors observed in both the literature and the interviewees’ statements, negligence of the service provider towards the customer (in this case, in the public sector), customer confusion, private sector favoritism, and dishonesty stand out. The dimension “entrapment by legislation”, not found in the literature, was identified and incorporated into the findings.
Limitations/implications: This study analyzes the phenomenon from a one-sided perspective, observing the perceptions of the customer, in this case, in the public sector. This perception is possibly different from that of the service providers, and this fact can bring other nuances to the assessed phenomenon.
Originality/value: In an unprecedented way, this study presents a theoretical proposition of the behaviors on the dark side of relationship marketing applied to the public sector. Most academic productions are of foreign origin and address B2C or B2B relationships.
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