Dynamic capabilities. attitudinal antecedents. individual capabilities. collective behaviors.Abstract
Objective: The main objective was to identify the attitudinal antecedents of dynamic capacities. For this, we used a method on grounded theory. Design / methodology / approach: As strategies for data collection, we selected oral history of thematic life interviews and in-depth interviews. The method covered constant comparisons and the processes of open, axial, and selective coding. Results: It was possible to conclude, from the substantive theory that emerged from the research field, that individual capacities underpinned the intrapreneurial attitude of managers of innovation projects. These capacities are associated with organizational capacities of perception (self-knowledge, autonomy, emotional evaluation, detail and initiative), apprehension (positive perspective, abstraction, critical analysis, emotional control, creativity, satisfaction with learning and strategic vision) and reconfiguration (argumentation, self-confidence, communication, discipline, empathy, active listening, flexibility, dealing with pressure, resistance to frustrations and systemic vision). The aggregate analysis revealed emerging cognitive and emotional elements, which interrupted the routine aspects of project management, substantiating the intrapreneurial attitude of the managers participating in this study. Originality / value: The main contribution of this study is the identification of individual capacities and collective behaviors that act as attitudinal triggers for the organizational capacities of perception, apprehension and reconfiguration of pro-innovation resources. Potentially, this contribution can be used to conduct recruitment/selection and training processes for innovation project managers.References
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