Dynamic Capabilities, Sensing Capacity, Seizing Capacity, Transforming Capacity, Teaching CaseAbstract
Dilemma: the teaching case presents the dilema of a company in the marine shrimp segment, the Camarões Gesund, given the moments of crisis experienced during the Covid-19 pandemic. Return to export, considering previous experience, or focus on serving the domestic market by exploring new segments.
Educational purpose: the case constitutes an opportunity for reflective learning and understanding of how the company's past experiences, either in coping with crises or in applying new strategies, contribute to the development of an organization’s dynamic capabilities
Contextualization: this teaching case describes the challenging situations faced by Camarões Gesund in times of crisis, in particular the one caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. At a time when 90% of its revenue came from restaurants, they had to remain closed for more than one hundred days during the pandemic, maintaining, after this period, limitations on face-to-face service. In this sense, the aim of the case is to contribute to student's reflections in times of crisis experienced by the company, especially those generated by pandemic.
Main theme: application of dynamic capabilities concepts in the assessment of situations and decision making in moments of crisis.
Audience: Business Administration undergraduate courses and professionals in a technical or managerial career.
Originality: in addition to presenting a dilemma in a pandemic context, an innovative aspect of the case is the analogy with the blindness novel as one of the points of reflection. From the didactic and pedagogical point of view, it is proposed alternatives for applying the case also in online classes, adopting interactive tools.
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