Bureaucracy, Governance, Public Procurement, Risk ManagementAbstract
Dillemma: After assuming as the Procurement Manager of the East University of Brazil (ULB), the public manager Roberto, together with students of Public Management, has the dilemma to improve the processes of his area, trying to get a better governance to public procurement.
Educational objective: The case allows to develop competences to the interpretation of the general concepts of bureaucracy, public procurement, public governance and risk management in public sector.
Contextualization: The trajectory of Roberto with the students is mediated by professor Franco, in the context of Roberto’s role as assistant professor in the Organization, Systems and Methods class and as student of the Public Management Graduation course of ULB. The preconceptions and challenges are presented from an inside view of the public sector.
Main theme: The focus is the discussion about processes management, governance and risk management, guiding the reflections to the necessary and challenging actions in terms of their implementations in the public sector context.
Audience: It is better suited to MBA or third year undergraduate students, considering classes such as Public Procurement Management and Public Governance. It is necessary that the student has previous knowledge and completed classes involving Introduction to Management and Public Management, Organization, Systems and Methods and Human Resources Management in the context of public sector.
Originality/value: The real situation presented works with public procurement singularities, and allows to understand the subjacent theoretical concepts, to try to apply in practice. So what does process management and public procurement involve? What are the core concepts of governance and risk management? How to deploy?
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