Agencement, Assemblage Theory, Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), Consumption, CultureAbstract
Objective: to discuss a proposal for a relationship between Assemblage Theory and Consumer Culture Theory, highlighting possible issues for composing an agenda for researchers of both theories, based on their intersections.
Design / methodology / approach: the article discusses the relevant elements of each of the theoretical perspectives, advances in the discussion of points of intersection and, finally, presents a research agenda with emerging issues.
Results: there were many opportunities to establish a conversation between the two perspectives, considering the research in Consumer Affairs, especially in the Brazilian context, since the country has cultural and diversified wealth, with regard to historical and social issues, economic and demographic. The Assemblage Theory is, as evidenced, an effective option to substantiate research related to Consumer Culture Theory, as it is suitable for investigating consumers and their cultural relations.
Originality: the paper sheds light on points of intersection between the two theories in order to point out new understandings of phenomena on consumption, which its heterogeneous elements can remain united without necessarily forming a coherent whole, showing that, before understanding the phenomena cultural as gestalts or holistic organizations, a contingent analysis of the alignments established by the different elements, recursively shaped, that affect their relationships must be considered.
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