Innovation Ecosystem, Interorganizational relationships, HealthAbstract
Objective: Characterizing the health innovation ecosystem in Passo Fundo, a municipality in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, aimming to identify some of the constitutive elements of an innovation ecosystem.
Methodology: It is characterized as empirical in an applied nature, with a qualitative approach and as for the technical procedures, as descriptive. The analysis categories used were: density, fluidity, connectivity and diversity, according to the model by Stangler and Bell-Masterson (2015). A data collection with actors considered ecosystemic was carried out. The analysis and interpretation of the data, used the content analysis, supported by the NVIVO® software.
Results: The existence of a potential health innovation ecosystem was found to be in its initial phase. Among the identified characteristics of the health innovation ecosystem, density and connectivity stand out, with the diversity and fluidity categories in need of greater attention.
Originality: In Brazil, some initiatives have been mapping different innovation ecosystems, such as in São Paulo with the launch of “Mapa SP Conecta (Investsp, 2016)” and in Minas Gerais with the creation of “Mapa da Inovação (SIMI, 2020)”. However, a gap has been observed in studies focusing on the characterization of health innovation ecosystems due to the importance that the sector represents in terms of employment, income, and quality of life for the population.
Limitations: The results found reflect the vision of a group of actors, not their totality, and the use of a single analysis model to characterize the health innovation ecosystem, being that the joint use of other models and/or other categories of analysis, perhaps can show another configuration of this ecosystem.
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