Big Brother Brazil, Crisis Management, ; Image Management, Engagement, Digital InfluencersAbstract
Dilemma: The dilemma focuses on the strategies adopted to manage the crisis of a digital influencer participating in a reality show.
Educational objective: The case was designed to discuss the importance of how fast and effective actions, in the communication and analysis of data from social media, have an impact on detouring the image problem and stimulating billing and engagement after the reality show.
Context: This teaching case focuses on the story of a reality show participant, broadcast on Brazilian television, who went through a serious image crisis on the last day of the program.
Main topic: Crisis management in social media.
Audience: The use of the case is indicated for undergraduate courses in Administration and Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations, as well as specialization courses in different themes of marketing management and crisis management.
Originality/value: At the end of the discussion, the following learning objectives are expected to be achieved: (1) the relevance of using social networks to create reactive narratives in case of crises; (2) how quick reaction during the crisis impacted engagement; (3) how the actions taken during the program impacted the billing after the reality.
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